Striking while the iron is hot! As MnDOT is updating the state passenger rail plan, and studying the St. Paul to Fargo/Moorhead passenger rail corridor, Jerry Ratliff will be conducting in person meetings with chamber of commerce and mayors in communities along the corridor (same route as the Empire Builder). The purpose of the meetings is to educate them about the success of the Borealis and ask that they call key Minnesota legislators and MnDOT asking that the Borealis be extended from St. Paul to Fargo/Moorhead. Jerry's first report follows:
Outreach Report for July by Jerry Ratliff
After over a year in planning and with the help of many members and board members, I left Monday July 15th for a 3 day trip from St Cloud through Detroit Lakes. Before leaving I emailed all of them that I was coming and included links to our 3 min video and our Borealis extension video.
I met with 19 mayors, city managers, and chamber presidents or directors. I briefly shared the success of the Borealis and the need for them to give input into the MNDot study of the extension of the Borealis to Fargo. [reference the alert that Brian is sending out for members to complete or include link here]
I left with them a folder with key information including the 4 contacts for this study and the proposed schedule. When I got home I sent all of them the 2 pdfs of tentative schedule and the links (now electronic) to the 4 contacts for the study to add this Borealis extension.
This trip was not only intense, but very positive. I was able to connect with many civic leaders who were not aware of the train or the study. In addition, thanks to our member Dave Lingo, I had an updated email for almost all of them. But several names and addresses have changed so I need to update the spreadsheet so we can stay in touch.
On a personal note, I had great conversations answering some really basic questions, supporting their efforts to get public support, and getting to know some new people. I knew many from my 2017 Outreach visits. Finally, as much as I hate driving, I think empowering these Greater Minnesota civic leaders is not only important, but has been a key to our success. I felt energized by them. And, of course, thanks to all of those members and others who have donated time and money to make the wonderful folders I handed out. What a team effort!